Home » Betriebsverzeichnis » Johannes Kepler Universität Linz – Institut für Integrierte Qualitätsgestaltung (IQD)
Altenberger Straße 69; Science Park 3, 5. floor, Room 521-2
4040 Linz
Telefon: +43 (732) 24685521
E-Mail: iqd@jku.at
Web: http://www.jku.at/iqd
Founded in 2015, the IQD is an interdisciplinary research institute at the intersection of management and engineering with research and teaching focused on sustainability-oriented product, service and business model innovation as well as supporting management systems.
Founded in 2015, the IQD is an interdisciplinary research institute at the intersection of management and engineering with research and teaching focused on sustainability-oriented product, service and business model innovation as well as supporting management systems.
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