As part of the envietech symposium on 29.11.2016: Austrian environmental technology: innovative in the country, successful in the world! Various studies on Austrian environmental technology were presented by the study workers as well as the activities of the ministries and the Chamber of Commerce.

Experts from the worlds of business, science and politics discussed topics related to market leadership and the further development of the industry in the coming years, with the aim of promoting the development of start-up companies to successful Austrian environmental technology companies and hidden champions together. The very successful environmental technology networking event also marked the beginning of the MUT (Masterplan Environmental Technology) strategy discussion for the next year (10 years of MUT). “The development of the Austrian environmental technology industry is a positive one in the long term, but the growth potential of the sector as a whole demonstrates the high international competitiveness of Austrian companies, but this should not lead to the assumption that new measures and initiatives are not necessary Masterplans Umwelttechnologie, that Austria is taking a leading position in environmental technology in Europe.
The view into the depth reveals quite different developments in individual technology fields: Due to lower prices for fossil fuels renewable energies are currently on the defensive. At the same time, however, the Austrian environmental technology industry is above-average innovative in the areas of energy efficiency and electric mobility and thus highly competitive. For the future, innovation leadership is to be achieved in as many technology fields as possible, and the growth driver’s export needs to be further strengthened with new tools. To this end, it will be necessary to create a broad alliance of actors in politics, business and administration, “said Mr DI Andreas Tschulik in the final résumé at the event.